What's this, another retreat?

Everybody is hosting a retreat these days

And although we are not sitting alone on a rock in raw nature or performing an upward facing dog during sunrise, we also recognise that this too is a retreat.

The Anti-Retreat is here to set the world on pause, to slow down our pirate ships and break down the barricades.

To do the inner work and get more energy to deal with the real world everyday.


DIY Do It Together

Do It Yourself (DIY) emerged as a radical act of rebellion against big companies and the hypocrisy of capitalism.

But capitalism made us hyper individualistic and is getting in the way of being human.

Humans are group animals and we need each other. Not via Social Media, but through real human to human connection.

We can reclaim this act of rebellion by changing the Y for a T: Do It Together!

Set world on pause

Slow down to make room for inspiration and appreciation of the raw power of creation.

Together we build healthy habits and feel courageous about using unconventional methods to deal with real (social) problems. We do the inner work to get more energy to deal with the real world everyday.

We will ride bikes, make art and view the city from a different perspective. 
We will make fire, have magic dinners and dance into the evening.

Get uncomfortable

Part of Do It Together is becoming more comfortable with our differences and perspectives.

We do not always have to be aligned and we certainly do not have to think the same. Celebrate the differences, be generous!

Generosity means you understand that all individuals have different ideas, opinions and views, and you treat all ideas with the same curiosity, interest and respect.

WE ARE CURIOUS BEINGS and with an open mind and heart we can embrace this messy ‘not knowing’.

Are you ready for some serious shit in a fun way?

Get your rebel-ass over here and sign up now!

↑ This button will open a Typeform.

Tell us why you belong at this gathering of rebels.
And send us your contact info.

We curate the people that will come to this event.

Do not worry! You're not buying a ticket by filling out this form. 

The Anti-Retreat
Nurture your inner rebel

This is a co-creation of:

Jobbe Holtes
Tussenruimte •
KVK #92699103


Caro Turlings
What if we...
• KVK #01155544
Egersundweg 4C • 9723 JM Groningen

© 2024